Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Myths are not fair. They are misperceptions that generalize characteristics or behavior, usually negatively, about a particular group, in this case men. And when a man meets a woman who consciously or unconsciously believes one of these myths, he finds himself in a constant struggle to defend himself against a stereotype that may have nothing to do with him.

Well guys, as much as you don't like to be unfairly stereotyped, neither do women. To really understand women means to see us as we really are, not as we've been portrayed to be. And no matter how hard you may try not to be influenced by generalizations about the opposite sex, some of what you've heard or been exposed to is bound to have an effect on how you interpret or misinterpret a woman's behavior -- even the woman you love dearly.

The Seven Myths Men Believe about Women

1.Women are never satisfied
2.Women are high maintenance
3.Women want to control men
4.Women are jealous and possessive
5.Women are too emotional
6.Women who appear to be strong and competent don't need to be taken care of
7.Women want to rob men of their freedom

1. What are the seven myths that man Believe about women?
2. Why myths are not fair?
3. What does stereotyped means?
4. How do man find himself when he meet a woman conciously or unconciously believes one of these myths. 

Myths: a set of often idealized or glamorized ideas and stories surrounding a particular phenomenon, concept, or famous person or somebody who or something that is fictitious or nonexistent, but whose existence is widely believed in

Conciously:adj. In a conscious manner; with knowledge of one's own mental operations or actions.
Unconciously:adj. Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.
Struggle: to make a great effort to deal with a challenge, problem, or difficulty.
Stereotyped: to categorize individuals or groups according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea
1. The loving wife turned out to be a myth.
2. The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.
3. Ann has an unconcious manerism.
4. struggled with his math homework.
5. Amy has stereotyped behavior.

1. Do you believe in myth?
2. Do you believe in the seven myth men believe in woman?
3. Why men think that way to woman?
4. Do you agree that woman wants to control men?